J.L.D Hotel
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J.L.D Hotel

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           J.L.D Hotel!
All Servers Online
,Nirvana:  Head Of Management
LolBox:                 Management
-Jezz:                   Management
II Jack II:             Management
LoneRaver:          Events' Manager
CrollyG                Moderator
This site is property of HabJuice™ and all names including HabJuice and HabX are copyrighted - © 2008
Hey! Welcome to J.L.D Hotel, the leading Habbo Retro by ,ToughCookies (Kevin). The retro is currently ran by 15 different dedicated servers in 7 different countries and in 7 different languages as we are a international game. Firstly the English speaking server will get the latest updates but some other countries will have their own events which will not be on other servers.

So join today and get this enjoyable gaming experiance, and it's all 100% FREE! Have a chat, create rooms, make/play games and much more!
All the staff have been nagging me to put the hotel back on while we do maintainance and updates so finally it's back up. Also to many of you who were asking why the retro wasn't working was because it was locked (Which means no-one can log into the hotel). Please note that all accounts have been deleted once again as this is only a tempoary settlement while we are setting up HoloCMS.
Hab of the week: N/A
Room of the week: N/A
We may need staff at a later point when we get all our users back due to our heavy-maintainance which has taken 6 months.

Check the Staff list for a full explination & for applications
HabJuice or any people associated with HabJuice are in no way affiliated with Habbo Hotel, Sulake or any of it's associated companies.

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